Comments, Complaints, Suggestions and Feedback


Image showing a smiling face in a line of five.

Leave us Feedback

We value your comments, we take on board all feedback sent to us. You can send us your comments by using our Comments & Suggestions form.


If we receive any compliments about our staff or our service we share these with all staff members at our monthly Practice Meetings. We also welcome feedback to be left on the NHS websiteThese comments are always looked at and reviewed and we always ensure we write back with a comment.

If you have a complaint we would ask you to complete the form below rather then putting this on the NHS website (due to patient confidentiality).


Adur Healthcare Partnership aims to give a friendly, caring and professional service to our patients.  

We aim to learn from any complaints/comments received to us. We understand that sometimes things do not go to plan and you may have concerns about the service you have received. 

Who to talk to?

Most complaints can be resolved at a local level.

Please speak to a member of staff if you have a complaint; they will be able to help you with the next step. Alternatively, please ask to speak to Petra Butler our Patient Experience Manager.

A complaint can be made verbally or in writing.


Alternatively, you can pick up a copy of the complaints form from the reception desk at either site. Clinical complaints will be investigated by the named clinician, or senior partner.

If for any reason you do not want to deal with us directly, then you can request the ICB (Integrated Care Board) investigate your complaint on your behalf.  You can contact them via:

NHS Sussex Complaints Team
NHS Sussex ICB
Sackville House
Brooks Close

Deaf and hard of hearing patients can talk to South East Complaints Hub via text relay service accessible on their website.


Time frames for complaints

We, Adur Health Partnership, will acknowledge all complaints within three business days.

The time constraint on bringing a complaint is 12 months from the occurrence giving the rise to the complaint, or 12 months from the time you become aware of the matter about which you wish to complain.

We will aim to investigate and provide you with the findings as soon as we can and will provide regular updates regards the investigation of your complaint.


Investigating complaints

We, Adur Health Partnership, will investigate all complaints effectively and in conjunction with extant legislation and guidance.



We, Adur Health Partnership, will ensure that all complaints are investigated with the utmost confidentiality and that any documents are held separately from the patient's healthcare records.


Third-Party Complaints

We, Adur Health Partnership, allow a third party to make a complaint on behalf of a patient. The patient must provide consent for them to do so.


Final Response

We, Adur Health Partnership, will issue a final formal response to all complainants which will provide full details and the outcome of the complaint. Further information is detailed in our organisation policy.


Advocacy Support

Additionally, the local Healthwatch can help to find independent NHS complaints advocacy services in the area.


Further Action

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint from either NHS England or us, Adur Health Partnership, you can escalate your complaint to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

  Make a Complaint to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman