Unpaid Carers Support

If you are someone that helps to support a relative, partner, friend or neighbour who needs help and support because they are frail, has physical or mental disability or alcohol and drug dependencies. You are a carer

We recognise the important role they play in supporting the person with care needs and the impact of caring on a carer’s health and wellbeing. So we have set up a Carers Champion Team. 

We work in partnership with Carers Support West Sussex and we will try and offer you the following:

  • Accessible appointments for carers and the person with care needs, so that they can attend (where necessary and agreed with the triaging GP this may include virtual appointments (telephone and video consultations), double appointments and home visits for carers (if they can’t leave the person being cared for).
  • Free annual flu jab.
  • Ensure that referrals to secondary care include information that the patient is “cared for” or “is a carer” themselves.​

Identify yourself as a carer

Check your status if you believe that you have registered previously

Caring should not be at the expense of your own health and wellbeing. Please tell us how your caring role is affecting you and if you have any support needs.

Benefits for carers

You might not think of yourself as a carer. But you probably are if you're looking after someone regularly, including your spouse or a family member, because they're ill or disabled.

Visit the NHS website for more details

Carers Support West Sussex

Caring can be a lifelong commitment for some, while for others it can be a sudden responsibility. At Carers Support West Sussex, they are dedicated to offering unpaid Carers information, guidance, and emotional support.

0300 028 8888




Carers UK

Caring will affect us all at some point in our lives. We’ll be here for you when that happens. With your help, we can be there for the 6,000 people who start looking after someone each day.

020 7378 4999





Carers Trust

Carers Trust is a major charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. 

0300 772 9600



